Friday, August 3, 2012

Here we go!!

Guess what I just did? I just left the office of our social worker where I picked up our home study!! I went straight from there to the post office to mail off our first packet!! I am beside myself with excitement! Tonight we will finish up 2-3 more applications and get them in the mail. I finally feel like we are making a step forward. Now that we are home study ready we can begin the grant and loan process. Our prayer continues to be for God's guidance and provision. And that in every step He will be glorified!! Remember, if you'd like to get one (or more) of our t-shirts you can pay via the donate button and I'll get it to you. Or if you find the Lord leading you to simply donate to our adoption fund that can be done in the same way. We know this can be a very fast process where money is expected quickly or it can take a while. We are looking forward to the ways in which the Lord will do a mighty work!! Thank you for your continued support and prayers in this wonderful journey.